Why You Need a Professional’s Expertise For Low-Voltage Wiring


Learn How to Keep Your Smart Home Running Smoother & More Reliably 

Home automation and control offer personalized living spaces that enhance your daily lifestyle. When it comes to powering and supporting all of your connected devices, though, it’s important to have a robust infrastructure to support everything. That’s where our team of low-voltage wiring experts can help! 

Whether it is always having the perfect temperature throughout the house, the thrill of movies in a home theater, or improving happiness and health with wellness solutions, low-voltage wiring is a critical component of your day-to-day lifestyle. 

Discover how your St. Louis, MO, home's infrastructure can help support sophisticated style and convenience in our blog below - keep scrolling to learn more!

SEE ALSO: Low Voltage vs. High Voltage Wiring: Powering Your Home

Wiring is the Heartbeat of the Home

You are most likely familiar with the adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In the same way, technology in your home is only as good as the least reliable cable inside your walls. Low-voltage wiring is defined as any wiring made to carry 50 volts or less. Your audio/video system, control signals, and some lighting use as few as 12 volts, while many appliances require 120 or 240 volts. 

Wiring Is Essential for All Stakeholders

Our team works in partnership with your general contractor and other project stakeholders to enable smooth and cooperative wiring installation throughout your home. Smart home and entertainment systems have specific electrical and networking requirements, and the latest transmission needs continue to evolve at a breakneck pace. While modern wiring appears simple, only a specialist has the knowledge and expertise to ensure the highest quality wiring will be able to support your audio-visual, automation, and other smart home needs.

A low-voltage wiring expert like Walbrandt Electric will not only attend meeting strict building codes and specifications, but we work in partnership with interior designers, architects, and builders to craft the most intelligent wiring infrastructure that will serve you well now and will easily expand over time as you add additional devices and require more connectivity. We create detailed drawings and wiring plans to ensure every piece of technology you plan to incorporate into your St. Louis-area home has the proper wiring load to support it.

Your Low-Voltage Wiring Expert 

The Walbrandt Electric team is passionate about providing homeowners with a solid foundation that they can build upon with advanced modern home solutions. Are you ready to partner with a premier smart home infrastructure provider? Start a conversation by filling out our contact form. We look forward to working with you!

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