3 Smart Scenes to Incorporate into Your Lighting Control System


Experience the Magic of Illumination at Your Fingertips

The appeal of living in a connected home goes beyond saving time by simply pressing a button whenever you want to turn a lamp on or off. With a lighting control system, homeowners in Chesterfield, MO, and beyond can add new layers of comfort, convenience, and instant ambiance. 

Keep reading this blog to discover three of our favorite smart scenes to incorporate into our clients’ homes that can instantly change the mood. All it takes is a tap of a button or swipe of your finger - learn more below!

3 Things an Electrical Contractor Can Do For You


Go Beyond the Basics with Walbrandt Electric’s Top-Notch Team

Are you looking for a brand new technology-forward home?There’s no need to worry about a thing when you have Walbrandt Electric on your side. Our electrical contractors are trustworthy and deliver seamless project integration for all of your St. Louis, MO technology needs. Keep reading below to learn three things Walbrandt Electric can do for you that you may not have known about!

Low Voltage vs. High Voltage Wiring: Powering Your Home


The wiring working to bring you ease and comfort in your Clayton, MO home

There are wires throughout your home that power your outlets, lights, and appliances, bringing comfort and convenience. However, wiring can be one of the trickiest parts of building or renovating a home. Not only are they complicated, but wiring can be dangerous as well if you aren’t sure what you are doing. For homeowners looking to do construction on their home or who want to understand more about home wiring, you should understand the two main wires used to power your home: low and high-voltage wiring.

Why Smart Window Shades Are a Must-Have for Your Home


Integrating Automated Window Treatments Enhances Wellbeing and Reduces Energy Costs 

The decor of your home matters and bare windows make a room feel sparse and unwelcoming: shades provide the finishing touch. Window treatments complete a space by adding elegance, imparting style, and providing a sense of ambiance. When integrated as part of a home automation ecosystem, they become a vital part of managing the comfort of your property. 

More than just fashion, smart window shades minimize energy costs, protect your assets and work in concert with your security system. In addition, shades are essential for implementing daylighting features, creating a more human-centric lighting environment.  

Are you intrigued by how automated shading systems can improve the look and the function of your Clayton, MO home? Continue reading below to find out more.